Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Privatized Profits, Socialized Risk

1 comment:

  1. Except for the financial institutions that want free money, UAW and Detroit is the other. We all know the reason for the first, but Detroits is a labor issue no matter which way you try and spin it. So it might be safe to say at least for the big 3 the excess union demands do not work in global markets, except for trade inbalance which always swings slightly either way detemining if an R or a D is in the White house. I believe if you want to keep manufacturing here in the USA unions must learn to adjust. Unions in my mind create inflationary measures on goods and services and yes even government. And if you cannot raise the price of your product to cover the union demands, because competitors don't have too cause thier nonunion, you go bankcrupt. Or in this case want tax payers money as a bailout.
