Wednesday, February 25, 2009

High Speed Rail Confusion

Let's clear up this high speed rail thing for Mr. Jindal of Louisianna. If he's going to complain about something, he should probably make sure it really exists in the first place.
The Stimulus Plan includes two provisions modeled after the Act that finance high-speed rail development. First, the Stimulus Plan provides a $2 billion grant for high-speed rail projects that will remain available until September 30, 2011. The grant will be distributed among applicant states, interstate compacts, public agencies having responsibility for providing high-speed rail service and Amtrak for capital projects associated with inter-city passenger rail services reasonably expected to reach speeds of at least 110 miles per hour. The Secretary of Transportation will have discretion to award grants based on an extensive set of criteria, including the legal, financial and technical capacity of the applicant to carry out the project; compatibility with relevant national plans; and anticipated economic, environmental and transportation effects.
Above is a map from the US Dept. of Transportation showing high-speed rail designations. Do you notice something missing from it? Yup, you're right, nothing connecting Las Vegas!

1 comment:

  1. I think Jindal needs to sip some coolaid and get with the program. The Idea of this high speed train is a great one. I love anything that can go above 100 reliably and safe,especially in a car, not to say I do that to often. The idea is great but seeing the dismall faluire of Amtrak, even with Amtrak Joe using it for years, I have reservations it will ever take hold without forever being subsidised. Americans love to fly and drive cars but the train era had its day, preceding these two. People love their independence with cars and planes I guess are sexy. The only thing that would make it more attractive is the lack of stability in oil prices etc..To me there will only be a percentage of the population that would be willing to use it and I dont know if they(the Gov) even did any studies. I guess one could say Detroit got billions, why I dont know, but the more I look at it, what a bad Idea it was.
