Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sex, Politics, Religion, and Republican Hypocrisy

See the thing is morals are important. I think few civilized and intelligent people will try to dispute that with a straight face, but the problem lays with the people that want to preach that, or even worse, legislate it. Over the last 15-20 years we’ve seen the increasing sermonic viewpoint being shifted into our political system, and that has both dire and humorous consequences. Most importantly its brought constant media attention to the relentless hypocrisy of the vast majority of politicians that hold their religion and morals to their sleeves.

I doubt there is little arguing with the fact that the Republican party is THE “Christian party” and yet, even though they are the chosen ones representing not only their constituents but their faith, as they love to remind us in every speech they seem to make, they still fall on their morality sword time and time again.

Now I’m the first person to line up and say I don’t give a flying rats ass if anyone, let alone a politician, sleeps with anyone. Its frankly human nature, its unfortunate for the jilted partner, but most people on this planet sleep around. This is nothing new, and its not going to stop anytime soon. Where my hackles get all anti-gravity is when people in power, who publicly make a life preaching the value of their moral righteousness, then go on to try to enact policy against what their faith believes to be sin, only to commit the exact sin they rail against.

I think this is a mental disorder of the most heinous kind, and it infects the Republicans, Politicians in general, and Religious Right like a disease.

Look at some of the most recent examples of these moral crusaders:

Newt Gingrich - His outspoken moralizing over impeaching Clinton for lying about getting a blow job is somehow questionable when he was during that time, cheating on his own spouse with a 20 year younger woman, whom he later married as wife number THREE. Currently he’s touring around trying to promulgate how gays are going to ruin traditional marriage and how secularists are trying to destroy our traditional Christian society.

Somehow, I think that if Gingrich wasn’t a lying hypocrite, he would see that its his own lifestyle behavior thats ruining his country and religion. So in this case I judge his mental instability as Projection.

Mark Foley - How embarrassing is this once Republican poster boy? Yet doesn't he sum up so much of the self hating hypocrites that fill his ranks? Who is our Republican and Christian bastion for protecting our children from sexual predators? Low and behold, a same sex predatory scum bag, looking to harass underage boys.

Not surprising really.

Larry Craig - Here’s a confirmed bachelor that also publicly deplored Clinton during his impeachment saying, “Bill Clinton is probably even a nasty, bad, naughty boy.” As if that shouldn’t have put the warning lights on? His most notable bullshit hypocrisy was when he supported the Federal Marriage Amendment, which barred extension of rights to same-sex couples, only to later be caught in an airport sex sting, targeting homosexual liaisons in airport bathrooms. Really? Yeah, never saw that coming.

Eliot Spitzer - Not a repub, but definitely a hypocritical scumbag politician. His well publicized crackdowns on prostitution rings was only too perfect of a lead up for his boomerang conviction when he was found guilty of patronizing a high end brothel.

And most recently:

Mark Sanford - This God fearing and bible quoting moron voted for the Clinton impeachment following the Lewinsky scandal, declaring Clinton's behavior to be "reprehensible.” Not only does he moralize with the bible in his hand, he also uses it as a defense for his own reasons to not resign as Governor, quoting:

"Immediately after all this unfolded last week I had thought I would resign - as I believe in the military model of leadership and when trust of any form is broken one lays down the sword. A long list of close friends have suggested otherwise - that for God to really work in my life I shouldn't be getting off so lightly."

So in this case, his God thinks its OK, and hard work doing what you were doing is the best medicine for this, but just for you Mark, just for you. Any other cock-led moron committing adultery should be impeached, and or resign. OK.

So the problem here is how politicians do and say opposite things, invoking religion when it suits them, when it helps them stir up the religious fervor and support. Cause no one cries louder or more often than those that hold the religious books, and like a miracle, those religious texts can condemn and shield the very same thing. Hypocrisy.

This list could be 4 times as long for sure, but there is one more that is standing out in plain view to me and that is:

Barack Obama - Specifically the most hypocritical issue he’s facing right now is Gay Rights. For the historical impact that it is for a black man to be voted into the highest office of this country and not be a visible and vocal champion for human rights in this country is more than shameful. It tarnishes the long fight for equality that African Americans have fought for, instead of brandishing the sword of equality, it shows that freedom from marginalization comes only to those in power. For Obama, a citizen of that long repressed and marginalized community to raise to this level of power and not overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, which denies federal marriage benefits to same-sex couples is reprehensible.

And so in a long line of Politicians, he too stands by “what’s good for me, is not for you.”

1 comment:

  1. If you say something freguently enough people believe its true. You just fell for it. Christians and Republicans in the same sentence. How about Catholics and Democrats or Jews and Democrats or Baptists and Democrats or Muslims and death. Why is everybody afraid of Christians? And why are Catholics for abortion loving politicians? And why would Jews vote for a President that wouldn't defend Isreal? You can make fun of christians and infidelity all you want but all denominations have their hypocrits.

    If Not being faithful isn't an impeachable offense, is lieing to the american people. YES, its called perjury and presidents can't do that under oath.

    Why is Obama a voice for human rights. He's a man that happens to be black and got where he is by a majority of white voters. Ok then mr liberal lets look at the party that oppressed the African American community for years. Not Republicans. And dont even try and bring up Kennedy, It was the Republican Congress that passed the bill he was advised to sign because of the riots. And don't mention one bigoted cop either. Democrats kept the Blacks out of the voting booths from 1900's on by intimidation, most blacks were registered Republicans back then and southern whites knew if they seen a black person that was a given R vote. Then here comes the saying if you say something long enough it must be true. Republicans and racist. Or hate speech. I define hate speech as an opposite opinion protected under the First Amend.. Democrats call it hate speech, and want to do away with this amend.
