Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Palin - "Need more time for hunt'n!"

So the good news is Sarah is leaving public office and going to concentrate on, well she has trouble concentrating, so she hasn't really said what she's going to do. Maybe she's going on to make some hot and heavy GOP porn. And while sex scandals are definitely thinning the GOP herd, if she sets a precedent for resignations based on stupidity, then the GOP will surely be empty soon.

With porn though, I think she'd make enough money to cover her multitude of legal and ethical charges she's facing. It seems like the republicans I know only vote for gay, sex starved, pedophiles and aren't actually those themselves, so there's probably a good market for straight sex porn involving Palin. Better sign her oldest daughter too just in case though. I've read its in excess of $500,000 worth of legal fees she's up against. But I've also read that she's managed to twist and distort some compensation rules and siphon some extra money off the top of her job. Things like claiming living expenses while staying at her own home, and claiming expenses for trips for her children.

No wonder she LOVES Alaska, and all the good people there, they've been paying her a pretty good salary with lots of benefits they are only just now finding out about. And with this abrupt resignation, no matter what story you believe about it, there is one thing for certain, its because she is running for the presidency. You can see the heavy handed mental drudgery of this attempt written all over it. Mired in a bunch of political ethical scandals, she'll bow out, hopefully allowing most of the law suits to be dropped or fizzle quietly off the public stage. She'll try to rack up some "real" grassroots experience. You know something better than a community organizer, cause those people are true idiots as any FOX watching red blooded NORMAL American knows. Then she will announce a partnership with a true American hero to be the great phoenix born GOP powerhouse for 2012.

Thank god. The Democrats never had it so easy. Well once, but shhhh.

I'm not that happy with some of the things that Obama is doing and saying lately, but I'll tell you this, his worst day is preferable to her best. Her brand of self entitled ignorance is not only destructive to us domestically but on an international level it is the epitome of disaster.

The only thing to worry about is if the GOP actually wised up, and backed someone like Ron Paul. But then they'd actually be putting their so called conservative money where their mouth is, and as we learned last time, the GOP isn't about playing it straight, its about pretending you do.


  1. OK I'll take the bait and dissect your almost incoherent non-sequiturs that have nothing to do with the original post.

    First you start off with this:
    "While sex scandals thin the GOP they are resume enhancers for liberals."

    Frankly in the previous article to this one I outline how its not the sex scandal that is so offensive, its the level of hypocrisy of the individual that perpetrates it. So in those cases I outlined (and even more are popping up as I write, i'm looking at you Sen. John Ensign!) we're talking about politicians both republican and democrat that campaign or ardently prosecute the same crime they commit.

    So we're not discussing double standards, we're discussing hypocrisy.

    Then you say this:
    "I suppose because your not a Bible thumper its OK to be immoral, because we all know human rights pertain to gay rights also."

    Is that supposed to be one coherent thought? Lets assume that was supposed to be two sentences. If so, I disagree with your first statement, and agree with the second. But here you really nail the gays:

    "Which by the way if being gay is not a choice eventually in 100 years there will be no more gays because they will have been bread out of society."

    So let me try to wrap my feeble brain around this logic mountain?! So what you're saying is, if all gay and lesbian behavior is just the result of people waking up one day and saying, I'm done with being attracted to the opposite sex, I'm only going to be attracted to the same sex as me now, then we will have gay people around forever.
    But if being gay is biological, if people are born gay, in 100 years the world will be absent of any gay people? Because presumedly the generation we live in is the only generation that could produce gay offspring, and so obviously they wouldn't be able to breed with each other and so then their weird gay genes which only exist in the time period we live in will have died out with them?

    You don't see a little bit of a problem with that logic?

    Do you wake up every morning and decide to not be aroused by other men? No? Thats weird, cause you seem to think that arousal and attraction have something to do with choice? And if you are personally not making that choice every day, neither are gay people.

    And finally We're a nation under god are we? You're referencing the pledge of allegiance, which is a sad example for you to use. The pledge of allegiance was written in 1892, had nothing to do with our founding fathers, and originally was written as thus:

    "I Pledge Allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

    It was modified in 1954 to:
    "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

    So this recent revisionist attempt to make this country under someone's god has little to do with this countries original ideals of liberty and freedoms and is consistently being heard in various state supreme courts as being in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Example of the supreme court ruling it unconstitutional to recite the pledge with god included in the phraseology. http://www.nsba.org/MainMenu/SchoolLaw/Issues/StudentRights/RecentCases/FraziervAlexandreNo0581142SDFlaMay312006.aspx

    And as you wrap up:

    "So if you want justice for all then you need to accept the God thing."

    Wow, accept which god thing? You're god thing? Or maybe you're talking about my Hindu neighbor's god thing, Vishnu? Maybe you mean my jewish friends god, yahweh? Maybe my weird pagan friends goddess? If I accept one or all of these, will I then get the justice I want for all? Could you please clarify for me?

  2. Yes any God that you want to worship. It doesn't matter. Just don't act like this country was founded on no religous beliefs. That was one of the reasons they came here, religous prosecution. I believe it was Judeo-Christinan principles. In God we trust. The founding fathers were not athiests. At least not all. Every person is endowed by their creator(any God or no God at all),Just not the government. It's your perverted twisted immoral beliefs that can't stand any religoun in anything.

    As far as the 100 year gay thing, you didn't get the choice issue. You took it literally. Gay behaviour isn't natural(not even in nature), sure an occational hump here and there. Procreation stops because of it, the whole existance thing. If thats someones lifestyle I don't care. Have all the civil unions and benefits the same as hetrosexual couples, just don't make everybody accept this marriage thing and witness in front of God thing cause you want to make a point.

    If you want me to comment on this particular post. YOUR ALL SCARED. Why I dont know. Maybe because she doesn't have this lets totally remake America thing.Which by the way
    You'll all find out if healthcare gets passed. Expecially union workers. This legislation probably is the best thing for big business and the union orginization. And everybody thought Republicans loved big business. I can't wait to see the faces of all these workers across America that have top notch Insurance, pay absolutely no copay etc. and get dumped into a government plan.
