Nice insight into the minds of, as Sarah Palin would call them, "real Americans" out there. This crap started during the election and has continued to grow ever since, and guys like Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Glenn Beck have been fanning the flames of this craziness. If you think I'm wrong, just do what Shepard Smith's guest suggested and spend some time on the blogs. As a matter of fact, start with Sean Hannity's own forum on his site where this kind of rhetoric is a daily occurance, or look back on last summer's campaign trail.
The difference between John McCain and Sarah Palin became clearest in the middle of the campaign last summer.
At a town hall meeting, McCain was confronted by an elderly woman who told McCain that she was a supporter of his because Obama was "an Arab." McCain was clearly uncomfortable, and it was patently obvious why. It had nothing to do with McCain's feelings about Arabs. It had to do with an old-school Republican accidentally moving the rock, and coming face to face with what actually lived beneath it. He recognized that the woman was making an unambiguously racist statement about his opponent, and he was mortified to be asked to answer it.
The Republican party has been hijacked by racists and religious fanatics who deride education and achievement as "elitist." Sure, they might only be a small portion of the party, but they certainly are among the loudest!
Sarah "Screw the Political Correctness" Palin, on the other hand, seemed right at home. She marched into those same crowds grinning and winking, and "Yoo betcha-ing" like she was onstage at the Miss Alaska pageant. While her supporters waved watermelon slices and stuffed monkeys, Palin talked about who the "real Americans" were, and who was "palling around with terrorists." She refused to address the blatant racism of her fans, or address the obvious exploitation of Obama's middle name, Hussein, and the implication she herself was making with her "terrorist" comments.
One can almost appreciate the horrible honesty of the racists among the McCain-Palin supporters who were able to admit what the others obfuscated: that they didn't want a black man in the White House. Certain videos from their rallies are deeply disturbing. They showcase the seething racism and hate of her most ardent followers.Obama's citizenship was reportedly also something of an obsession for James W. Von Brunn, and likely very much on his mind when he walked into the museum and opened fire to make a statement about what "his" America ought to look like. It's not hard to conclude which radio stations he listened to, or which pundits best represented his baseline political ideology.
I think the scariest part of the video above was the tail end which gets caught in the audio fade. Smith says, "More and more it seems people are taking the extra step and getting the gun out."
While it is true there may be some really out there people, it actually does not compare to the hatred when Bush was in. One instant was the movie depicting the assasination of him. As far as the abortion doctor killing, the wackos have been wacking them since Roe V Wade, can't say that its anything new. Don't sit around and blame all this hate and racism on Republicans, the Democrats are notoriously more racist and always have. They (Dems)just don't try and hide it. It seems that lady in that town hall meeting was correct all along. He is of Arab (muslim) decent. He just said so in Cairo. I am so sick of all the political correct people. SPend and spend even more(trillions), then say you will pay as you go, sounds like the carts before the horse. Lastley Letterman should be fired for his HATE SPEECH like Don Imus was, we'll see if that happens.
ReplyDeleteAs far the Jew hating stuff, look at some of the most promenant politicians in history, both Dems, Jimmy Carter and Obama. Obama learned from his mentor Jerimiah Wright. He just said the other day(Wright) those Jews are keeping me from talking to Obama. Obama sat in that church for 20 years, and sorry as_ McCain couldn't even muster up enough manhood to call him on it. This is why we have a Socialist far left President. And this is why you'll have far right wackos speaking out. Extremes attract.
ReplyDeleteSo Karen, You are saying there was more "hatred when bush was in" compared to the national "hatred" that is out there now? We are seeing a decline in fomenting and racism? That is not how many see it.
ReplyDeleteBtw, that movie you reference was made by a British Film Company, for a British audience. It had nothing to do with anyone in this country, and had no viable distribution network within our country, so it was effectively seen by no one except a few british film festival-goers. So it really doesn't suite your point of american media generating hate among the populous or by an american liberal agenda.
You are indeed correct that people have been murdering abortion providing doctors and blowing up their clinics. But you are completely off base factually by trying to somehow say that democrats are historically more "notoriously" racist? I am not even sure how to begin addressing that?
If you want to cherry pick a few historical anecdotes over the past 100 years well then that will be an interesting game and also one that needs to be put in historical context. The republican and democratic party changed pretty dramatically every 20 years during that period, so to label them as both being consistent examples of what we know and accept as each parties ideology right now is ingenuous at best. If on the other hand you want to look at liberal vs. conservative values, there is clearly one that comes out as being 'more' racist, and its not the liberal attitude.
That lady in the town hall is a small minded, ill informed bigot, and to defend her, you line up to be labeled as she is. Are you willing to label Obama as a White Man? If not then you need to seriously STFU. He is GENETICALLY more a white man than he is spiritually a Muslim. Because a relative held a spiritual believe does not mean it somehow imprints some seed of loyalty or submission to its goals. To also imply that that was the point of that town hall woman is ludicrous. You could see the pain on McCain's face clearly as he addressed and REBUKED her comment for the filth and lie that it was.
You are eager to label him as a Muslim and yet at the same time say that he's a twenty year vet of the Trinity United Church of Christ, emphasis on the CHRIST part. Must be hard for a Muslim to handle all that christ worship? so which is it, is he a muslim, a christian, or a secret muslim infiltrating the christians?
Very few defend the pastor of Obama's old church. But again, in order to draw a line and accuse the actions of one to another, you have to have some sort of display of similar action. And no one can come up with an instance of Obama preaching hatred, racism or intolerance. His actions and public speeches have always been the opposite.
Letterman and Imus both live in America, where like it or not our founding fathers believed in the right to free speech. I dont like the things that Imus and many others say, but they have a right. The main differentiation though with your example, one is just a talking radio head, the other is a comedian. One has the excuse of jokes in poor taste the other just spews vitriol.
You're completely out of the blue comments about anti-Semitism is just too far out there. Are you trying to say that both of these presidents are vocal anti-semites? Again you are ingenuous and historically and contextually ignorant.
The Socialist president argument is old and ignorant also. Factually it is completely void. And to properly illustrate and educate you why it is so would take up a very large post indeed.
But I guess we would be better if there were no commun-er I mean socialism, the new boogey-man to hate. I agree. Its a good thing that country-wide every state and city is bankrupting, cause now soon we will finally have a real reason to dump our evil socialist services, like those libraries, fireman, police forces, and bridege and road crews. Man those horrible socialist service cant go away quick enough!
Your logic is impeccable.
It is not hatred of the person Obama it's his policies. When Bush was in it was hatred of him period. These are 2 different hatreds. Marxist or Socialistic policies is not a liberal or conservative idea, both should be arm and arm against this guy. So when is GM and Chrysler a public right, giving Feds the banking system,or appointing Czars, or firing Inspector Generals the Feds duty. I tell you why the Unions benefit, the citizens and Congress have no appointing authority etc. Fireman, police, libraries is local,Feds have noreason.Come on. You sound intellegent but man your head is in the sand. Acorn, well need I say more about corruption. Racism I see you couldn't rebut,Mr Sharpten not saying a word about Letterman. So now you try and justify not firing by their job description. Or all the Uncle Tom jokes about Ms. Rice, or the trying to bork Mr. Thomas. The appointments of all races under Bush. Empathy has no place in the Supreme court. The Reason Mr Obama didn't vote for the Cheif Justice was he had no empathy(read his own letter). So I guess a good reson not to vote for a Supreme Justice would be she has empathy. Also Equality in the Constitution does not mean diversity, read Thomas Sowell's Op Eds.
ReplyDeleteKaren and Flyman--Why is it you feel as though you are fighting an "X-Files" type conspiracy? Do you have a life or do you live to find fault with every other opinion than your own?
ReplyDeleteYour views and political party lost the last 2 elections and the vast majority of people are tired of your style of politics. Listen I understand your uneasiness with your country being run buy a group of people that don't share your views. I, and many like me, lived with it for 8 years. You haven't even lived with it for 8 months. Can you please get over it.
Obama is not a muslim, we are not changing our political system to a socialist, marxist regime, and the white man is not going to be hunted for sport. I know you thrive on this delusion but there is no conspiracy or master plan here. There is far more evidence of global warming and evolution but you don't believe in them.
I guess we should give you the same treatment as the Dixie Chick's, but you know what, the irony is too sweet.
Thats a good one,Global warming, slight cooling the last couple to 8 years I believe..
ReplyDeleteHow do you compare 1 trillion deficit from 8 years of Bush, to 3 trillion in 6 months. This quys out of control or flunked economics 101.
Quite frankly I'm happy with my healthcare, It's called Insurance and if my doctor says I need certain treatment, there aint no government medical board telling me I need alternative treatment cause the others to expensive. Shades of MediCare.
X files huh, It's not a conspiracy just lopen your eyes man. Yes Republicans lost the last 2 election cycles just like the Dems before, I suppose we'll see in 2010. I guess thats why some Dems are fence sitters now. You don't change the political system to full fledged Marxist, you sloowwwly ease into it cause laws seldom get reversed by these clowns. Just don't let a "good crisis go to waste." to get everything on your wish list.
I am over it and living with it. I like to listen to the lefts rational on things so It's your turn now so make the best of it while it lasts.
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ReplyDeleteFlyman- You are out of your mind and way off base. Let me guess, your 20-26 years old and live and breath Rush Goof-baugh and Fox news 24-7. I've listened to your kind before and I'm frankly sick of your tired old song.
ReplyDeleteYou may have insurance, great for you, but I'd like to hear from you when you loose it, and trust me you will. 19% of all companies plan to stop providing health-care benefits in the next three to five years. Oh that's right you have a government job.. let me guess... with the post office.
I'm a victim of loosing coverage myself. in February I had a whopping 4 weeks to find a private insurer to cover my family of 4, and we're still not covered. Let me ask you, what kinda shape are you in? I'm 6' 310 lbs. and there is no company that will cover me and my family. 1 option is to get 2 policies for my wife and kids and 1 for myself and my bill would be $947 a month with a $20 co-pay, and a $4,000 deductible. Now let me ask you, can you afford that? Granted I'm over weight but I don't smoke or drink. How about you?
Life without insurance is no picnic. My daughter got sick and we went to the doctor and they told us she had Strep. It cost us $160 plus the medication $10 at walmart. Then when my wife and son came down with the same thing 2 days later, guess what, it cost another $160 each for my doctor tell us what we already knew and write the perception we needed. Every day I wake up and hope we aren't faced with a worse medical crisis.
What happens when your reality changes and your faced with decisions like mine. OOH that's right, you have no empathy.
This is my major issue with Republican Assholes like you. Your limited by you own reality and care-less about anyone but yourself. That is of coarse unless your next door neighbors are having gay sex or some raped women wants to get an abortion. Then your all "High and Might" preachin' about the "Good Book". And when your reality changes and your faced with decisions that other are dealing with today then you're singing a different tune.
I'm not asking for a hand out, but to hint at the idea our heath care is not in dire need of an over-hall, then your head is in the sand or your drinking the kool-aid that your Right Wing guru's are feeding you.
I'm sorry this clip says it all for me:
Solvo Mens, I'm sory you lost your Insurance. I feel for you. I was in that situation twice. No I'm over twice your estimated range, Non governmental job, and I've paid my kids medical bills (lots)allready cause they didn't have fulltime jobs yet. Thats what families are for, and that nudged my kids into finding benifit paying jobs. Kinda what other people, not in your situation should do. When they saw the parents flippin the bill, it's a little different feeling then watching the government flip the bill. Kind of that competition thing goinging on there in companies that will be totally lost eventually if not allready. There are people that will need help, some just till they get on there feet some allways, so dont paint me as a nonempathetic person. I don't know your circumstances totally(Job) etc., but as a WHOLE there is no crisis in healthcare for US - Working citizens.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is WOW. Let me change my prediction about your profession, I'm guessing you work for a Health Insurance Company.
ReplyDeleteNope, I work in a profession that has been slowly downsizing a highly competetive for over 20years. I believe there was legislation that back in the 80's that opened the door for foriegn countries to produce this service and product.